
About me

My way :

Interest in spirituality manifested during my adolescence and brought me, among others, to receive Reiki initiation at 20.  Meeting the Enneagramm (1998) was also a turning point, as well as exploring different traditions (Indian, Buddhist…) and yoga. Energy work deepens progressively after 2000 with Emanessence, the Rays of light and the Sacred Journey of the Soul.  

In 2010, the discovery of the integral perspective and of Spiral dynamics reawakens my interest for collective issues and leads me to get trained in systemic constellation work  (2015).

Realizing that training for some of these practices and tools is available only in French, I finally started several master classes (“maîtrises”) in order to be able to transmit them, also in German and English.

Intention :

Whether you are looking for well-being, a way to welcome and liberate suffering aspects, more clarity, a deepening of your inner evolution or simply the pure joy of discovery, the proposed tools are soft, deep and safe.

These approaches are not a substitute, but a complement, to a medical treatment. They make it possible, however, to accompany any  experience.

In the joy of meeting you and accompanying you on your way,
